Congress: 21. One year, two commemorations, various Histories of America, 1521-1821

Congress: 21. One year, two commemorations, various Histories of America, 1521-1821

The Virtual International Congress "21. One year, two commemorations, diverse Histories of America, 1521-1821" is held virtually between December 14 and 18, 2020 to reflect on various commemorations that take place in 2021 in America, such as the conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés in 1521 with the fall of Tenochtitlan and the independence of Mexico, Central America and Peru in 1821.

The objective of the Congress is to promote the participation of Spanish, European and Latin American researchers. At the end of the congress, two books will be published with all the papers presented.

The congress is made up of three symposia that will deal with the following topics:
Conquest and Colonization
Revolutions and independences
History and visual culture




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