Circostrada General Meeting 2019

Circostrada General Meeting 2019

The next Circostrada General Meeting takes place in Santander (Spain) from November 27 to November 29, 2019, co-organised with Café de las Artes with the support of AC/E, and in the frame of the 8th edition of the festival En La Cuerda Floja.

One focus of this General Meeting is about diving in the local context and discovering Spanish circus and street arts productions and companies. The objective is to put in contact artists, professionals, institutions representatives from different parts of Europe and Spain, in order to create networks, learn about good practices and innovative experiences. This aim is to allow Circostrada members to learn more about the Spanish circus and street arts scene throughout three intense days.

Café de las Artes (CdAT) is located in Santander, a city of 170,000 inhabitants in the North of Spain. Since 2009 CdAT promotes performing arts creation and offers training all year round for national and international artists. It works closely with the local community to reach out to new audiences and their active participation in the arts. En La Cuerda Floja Festival offers representations every weekend during the month of November. This new edition of the festival promotes alliances with other artistic disciplines and tries to bring circus to unconventional venues and locations in rural areas outside Santander to ensure an access to contemporary performances to all audiences and to allow artists to explore new settings.



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