12th Istanbul Biennial. Antoni Muntadas XII Bienal de Estambul. Antoni Muntadas

12th Istanbul Biennial. Antoni Muntadas

Adriano Pedrosa and Jens Hoffman are the curators of the 12th Istanbul Biennial, which explores the relationship between art and politics, focusing on works which are both innovative from the formal perspective, and explicit from the political perspective.

The work of Cuban-American artist Félix González Torres (1957-1996) is a clear example of this kind of artistic practice, and the main inspiration for the exhibition. The title of the biennial, Untitled (12th Istanbul Biennial), 2011, is a deliberate reference to the name given by González Torres to most of his works: "Untitled", followed by a description in brackets.
Spain's Antoni Muntadas is one of the artists selected by the curators to take part in the exhibition, with his work Media Sites – Media Monuments (Budapest, 1998), a project on media, memory, silence and emptiness.



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