AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2021. eBook

The edition for 2021 includes a first part of essays in which professionals and specialists analyze how, from different fields of culture (visual arts, cinema, music, performing arts, books and heritage), digital technologies have been implemented to deal with the "new reality" that has emerged after the COVID-19 pandemic. The tests include in their conclusions forecasts of each expert in the short and medium term and a proposal on which of the new tools and processes that we have learned to use as a result of this crisis will remain.
Culture in the face of the pandemic.
- Digital transformation, COVID-19 and culture: opportunities and challenges of the «new normalities».
Tomás Balmaceda.
- 2020: the year in which digital theater took center stage.
Joe Duggan.
- The impact of COVID-19 in the world of books. Characteristics of an unconventional crisis.
Manuel Gil.
- The long-awaited resizing of the digital: an international look at the impact of COVID-19 in museums.
Conxa Rodà.
- Museums of another genre for times of crisis.
Reyes Carrasco.
- Where will we put our attention? The world of audiovisual and sound content creation in the post-COVID-19 era.
Roger Casas-Alatriste.
- Impact of COVID-19: how will professional meetings be in the future.
Géraldine Gonard.
- The "new" future of social networks.
Jovanka Adzic.
FOCUS 2021: Digital initiatives in the cultural sector highlighted during the pandemic.
José Antonio Vázquez Aldecoa and Javier Celaya.
1. Introduction.
2. Theaters.
3. Books.
4. Museums.
5. Cinema.
6. Heritage.
7. Festivals.
Published in: 2021
ISBN: 978-84-17265-18-2
Language: Castellano e inglés