Page 29 - The Future Belongs to No One. Eugenio Ampudia
P. 29

Interview withEugenioAmpudiaGuillermo SantamarinaGuillermo Santamarina:In your experience, how true is it that the more we think about something, the further away we get from doing it?Eugenio Ampudia:Like everyone, I think in order to draw conclusions about what’s around me, everything around me. My work consists in expressing those conclusions, even if they’re complex, so as to be able to transmit them effectively, seeking an intimate dialogue with the spectator (citizen). A broad-ranging, useful, flowing and exciting dialogue.So does that amount to your having blind faith in the empathetic and dedicated communicational abilities of the receptors of your ideas vis-à-vis your challenges?An artistic proposal is not a response to a predetermined action-reaction, not even one that’s been experienced. It’s something new and unseen. Artists’ communications must be open. Taking this as a point of departure, the empathy or interaction of the other party – the spectator – is equally open.Are you really a devotee of a mankind that is more and more inarticulate and defective every day?I don’t attempt to establish a dialogue with the whole of mankind at once, but as I understand it communication takes place between artists’ investigations and each spectator, and I believe that we artists seriously appreciate the fact that this private conversation is aimed at the spectators’ bodies, knowing that each of their cells thinks and that between all of them they draw conclusions.Would we be right in thinking that the idea of time is a creative signifier which, as well as fully catalysing emotions, can be a fruitful device in your works, even though (as in the sculpture also entitled Tiempo (Time), or in the installation Mala hierba (Bad grass), or forcefully in Dónde dormir (Where to sleep)) the category seems to be conveyed obliquely and in apparent disintegration in them?Perhaps the main problem of time is that it’s a physical dimension.29 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET29 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET

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