Page 27 - The Future Belongs to No One. Eugenio Ampudia
P. 27

CLICK ON IMAGE TO SEE FULL QUALITY VIDEOToday is Always, 2015Video installation9 metres of painted birch wood measuring 1 metre each, iPad, magnets and metallic paintVariable dimensionsSleep, paradoxically, as something productive, sleep as that invisible time in the realms of late capitalism. A late capitalism that’s also interfering with our rhythms: we go to sleep later, we interrupt our habits to link up with other places in other time zones. And we assume that everything carries on and that we can’t do anything about it either. Let’s sleep then, and let sleep be a stance, a question, a doubt. And let it be sleep as well. Salvador Dalí said that in New York he slept and earned money.1. Blanca de la Torre en el texto De-Escribir. Una corriente de aire.27 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET

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