Page 13 - The Future Belongs to No One. Eugenio Ampudia
P. 13

Ampudia sleeps in the Palau de la Música. Ampudia dreams of sleeping with Lenin in his mausoleum. Perhaps this is why his sleeping bag is red.Sometimes a sleeping bag is like a cloud. Being inside is being enveloped in a cloud of body heat in a space that couldn’t be more intimate, enclosed, wrapped up, protected.Sometimes a sleeping bag is like a caterpillar; we crawl along on that plane. Devastated. The sleeping bag is also a cocoon: one existence is destroyed while another is created. Site of metamorphosis. When we sleep we move to another plane. We fly.If we engage in the conscious practice of sleeping together, will we be able to have the same dream?Museums: cemeteries!... Identical, surely, in the sinister promiscuity of so many bodies unknown to one another.Museums: public dormitories where one lies forever beside hated or unknown beings.And what if, in the act of sleeping together, these beings become known? What if we become intimate? ‘Hello, do you mind if I lie down here, beside you?’This is how Ampudia sleeps in some of the most public spaces in the world, spaces not designed for this purpose, and his discreet, almost humble gesture is maximised, becomes revolutionary even. Space belongs to everyone, he reminds us: it’s yours, make it yours. Sleep, little knee.Shoulders, neck, head, recall the ancient maxim: ‘Never sleep twice in the same place.’Yes, every time you sleep is different. Each night isunique – nothing is repeated in the same way in your dreams, your sleeping position, your body temperature, the temperature of your pillow. Your body doesn’t dream the same when it’s on its side as when it's face-down.I, knee, don’t think the same bent as stretched.Ampudia sleeps in a library.3. Burning Joyfully But burning in cold fire.Ampudia, an iconoclast? When he slept in a library, did13 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET13 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET

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