Page 11 - The Future Belongs to No One. Eugenio Ampudia
P. 11

We cease to be a spectrator, an expectant spectre, and we become a mirror. We become a knee. We’re flexible.Welcome to Ampudia’s museum. His because he’s made it that way – he occupies it to make it ours. Welcome knee, welcome shoulder, welcome internal ear fold.The smoke envelops us, it becomes a sleeping bag.2. Museum-BedWe had stayed up all night, my friends and I, under hanging mosque lamps with domes of filigreed brass, domes starred like our spirits, shining like them with the prisoned radiance of electric hearts. For hours we had trampled our atavistic ennui into rich oriental rugs, arguing up to the last confines of logic and blackening many reams of paper with our frenzied scribbling.1After sleeplessness, in his sleeping bag: Ampudia sleeps in the Alhambra. Ampudia sleeps at the Prado, beneath Goya.Where to Sleep 2 (Alhambra), 20144‘ 24‘’ single-channel videoPhotograph face-mounted to Perspex, 160 x 108 cm11 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET

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