Page 92 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts92/Apertura 2015Madrid, spain10 - 12 sEp 2015With Apertura, Madrid becomes the international epicentre of contemporary art.  e city celebrates the start of the season for some  fty galleries, which open their exhibitions simultaneously. Organised by the ARTE_MADRID association of galleries, the event attracts collectors, experts and curators from all over the world, who cometo the Spanish capital to view a high-quality selection of artists and exhibitions.  ese four days Madrid devotes to contemporary art feature parties, social events, performances, guided tours, brunches and extended opening hours at galleries.Visitors with the collaboration of AC/EStorm Janse Van Rensburg(sCAd Museum of Art, u.s.A.)Murtaza Vali(u.s.A.)Demetrio Paparoni(italy)Adrienne Drake(fondazione giulani, italy)Melissa Ho(hirshhorn Museum, u.s.A.)Claudia Paetzold(germany)Jolene Chow(China)organised byARTE_MADRID

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