Page 90 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts90/what Is the next big Thing in classical Music?jAViEr yustEEL CULTURAL | 22/05/2015 is year’s Classical:NEXT touring event takes place in Rotterdam, 20-23 May. It has become an annual must for those wishing to discover the latest trendsin the classical music world and to discuss its future challenges. A numberof Spanish participantshave landed on the Dutch city, thanks to the AC/E Programme.Classical:NEXT was born of the simple idea of uniting agents across the spectrum of classical music from all over the world in an annual event to be celebrated ina European city.  ere, musicians and business people alike may discuss and share ideas and so create synergies to help tackle the challenges currently facingthe classical and contemporary music stage.  e events  rst edition was in 2011. Since then, around 2,000 classical music professionals have attended, representing over 1,000 companies from over 40 countries. e 2015 edition takes place in Rotterdam, 20-23 May, and with numerous participants from Spanish festival organisations. Fourof those have received aid from AC/E Programme for the Internationalisationof Spanish Culture to travel to the Dutch city: the Santander International Festival (Festival Internacional de Santander); the Donostia-San Sebastián Musical Fortnight (Quincena Musical Donostiarra); Spanish Early Music Groups (Grupos Españoles de Música Antigua - GEMA) and EXIBMUSICA. “Spain has an absolutely key role to play, and not only just because the roots of traditional western classical music reach back there,” says Fabienne Krause, in charge of the event.Classical:NEXT is splits into three sections.  e  rst is devoted to activities such as conferences, seminars, debates and presentations concerning the latest tendencies in the classical music  eld. Another is devoted to exhibiting brands,

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