Page 164 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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Tara BooksRESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts164/Tara books Arts Residency Programme 2015Tara Books is an independent publisherof illustrated books for adults and children based in Chennai, in southern India. Founded in 1994, it operates as a group of dedicated writers, designers and artists who strive to produce a rich quality content. Each year Tara Books o ers a residency programme for artists (Arts Residency Programme) and encourages creatorsand designers from around the world to participate.  is is part of the contribution from the publisher to the establishment of a global culture of books and arts.For more than four years ago, Tara Books has developed a series of workshops and discussion platforms on art and making of books that unites artists from very di erent cultural backgrounds, including artists from indigenous communities in India and craftsmen of the book.Gita Wolf, author and editor of Tara Books, is considered one of the most creative and original voices in the worldof books in India, and his work has been recognized with numerous international awards. In 2014, thanks to AC/E’s Visitors Programme, Gita Wolf participated inthe viewing of portfolios of Spanish illustrators in IlustraTour, where he met Marcos Guardiola (Maguma).  anks to this meeting, Guardiola was selected to form part of the proposed residences this year. His stay in India, has been supported by AC/E.Chennai, india01 jul - 31 Aug 2015participant with the collaboration of AC/EMarcos Guardiolaorganised byTara Books

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