Page 163 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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LITERATUREArtiClE163/Wonder Woman, is in Barcelona thanks to the support of the AC/E Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture. AC/E is a public entity aimed at promoting Spanish culture and heritage and the programme promotes the international visibility of Spanish artists and creators.  is initiative, within the framework ofthe Salón del Cómic, has facilitated the presence not only of Kristy Quinn butalso of two important French publishers.“I reckon we need to make good use ofthis kind of initiative; and they don’t have to end here,” says Quinn: “ Spanish artists may also bene t from it and come to American cultural conventions; that’s really important.”“I cannot attend all the festivals in the world so I’m forced to choose,” says Philippe Ostermann, Director General and Editorial Director of Dargaud France, another of the AC/E Programme bene ciaries: “Receiving aid to travel toa certain place—which is the best way to get to know new artists—can help you make the speci c choice.” Ostermannis editor of such popular authors asMany Larcenet, André Juillard or Claire Bretécher, and of such popular series as Lucky Like and Bolita. So, it is a real privilege for young Spanish artists to get to him their work. “ ere is a new wave in Spain; authors with a lot of talent. And we have published some of them even before they were published in Spain,” explains Dargaud: “Here, editors can witnessthe di erence between the Spanish and French markets.” inking on similar lines, Louis Antoine Dujardin, collections director at Dupis, one of the best known publishers in France, says: “ e Barcelona Salón Internacional lets us get to meet with a lot of the young artists we are already working with but who we hardly ever see throughout the year as we always talk by email.” Dujardin is one of the three publishers attendingthe Barcelona event thanks to the AC/E Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture. “I’ve been coming here for at least four years and I now work with at least  ve Spanish authors, such as Ivan Gil or Xavi Rey. Our presence is fantastic both for them —the authors— and for us,” explains Dupuis: “ is programme helps us all to do our job better.”

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