Page 160 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts160/International Theater book Fair Madrid2015 e Salón Internacional del Libro Teatral (International theatre book fair) was established by the Asociación de Autores de Teatro ( eatre writers’ association) to disseminate both plays and texts relating to specialities in the performing arts. As well as showcasing the latest drama publications, the event also features staged readings, meetings, forums and debates in which authors, publishers, producers and translators take part. e three visitors supported by AC/E took part in a series of roundtables where authors and translators shared their views of the drama scene in their country of origin, analysing the type, publication and dissemination of plays.  e meetings discussed the problems of contemporary drama writing in those countries as well as the aesthetic and institutional needs that can in uence the inclusion of Spanish authors in their programmes. Its aim was to help them plan and choose target audiences, facilitating the possibility of promoting Spanish authors abroad.Madrid, spainMatadero Madrid06 - 08 noV 2015Visitors with the collaboration of AC/EMaria Jatziemanuil(greece)Marta Graziani(italy)Iride Lamartina-Lens(u.s.A.)organised byAsociación de Autores de Teatro

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