Page 158 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts158/barcelona comic Fair 2015Barcelona Comic Fair is a meeting place for comic book professionals.  e most important activities it hosts every year include meetings of national and foreign publishers with Spanish authors in order to promote Spanish creators.AC/E is collaborating with FICOMIC by supporting the participation of international publishers, both European and American, who have the chanceto view portfolios and gain  rst-hand knowledge of our, spainFira Barcelona - Montjuïc16 - 19 Apr 2015Visitors with the collaboration of AC/EGregory Lee Lockard(Vertigo Comics, u.s.A.)Katie Kubert(Marvel Entertainment, u.s.A.)Philippe Ostermann(dargaud Editions, france)Louis-Antoine Dujardin(les Éditions dupuis, france)Nicholas Albert Lowe(Marvel Entertainment, u.s.A.)organised bySalón Internacionaldel Cómic de Barcelona

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