Page 15 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
P. 15

Conditions, Mobility And Visitors15/Who can apply for a grant?Grants are awarded exclusively to Spanish cultural organisations or institutions in the areas of Visual Arts (Architecture and Design);Film and Documentary; Literature and Books; Music; and Performing Arts, which act as host organisations to international visitors (cultural in uencers, professionals and programmers, managers of cultural organisations or institutions of interest, etc.) and organise an event with resonance, preferably across the whole of Spain, that brings together sector professionals or features activities that include contact with professionals, artists or creators from the cultural area in question.How do I apply for a grant?Applications must be submitted by the organisation or institution through the PICE computer application which is accessible from only during the period of the call for applications.Preference will be given to applications proposing visitors for whom PICE/VISITORS grants have not been awarded in the three previous calls.To what items can the grant be allocated? e funds awarded for approved visits can be allocated to the following items related to the visits:- international and domestic travel expenses;- accommodation expenses;- subsistence expenses;- other related expenses (organisational, interpreting and translation,schedule management, etc.)

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