Page 144 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts144/curtocircuito 2015.Santiagode compostela 12th International Film FestivalCurtocircuíto is a festival that is committed to its time. It seeks contemporaneity in a plurality of genres, experimentation and training by involving all audiences in what it has to o er. It is a small, intense festival that is international in scope and where every short  lm and participating guest is necessary. It o ers quality auteur  lms for all audiences.One of the distinguishing features of Curtocircuíto is its retrospectives, such as the one devoted to the Canadian Mike Hoolboom in 2014. In 2015, the Danish director Jørgen Leth will joined Aki Kaurismäki as the  lmmaker to whom the festival was paying tributein 2015.  is is the  rst retrospective in Spain to be devoted to this  lmmaker, whose short  lms have gone unnoticed, although he is known for codirecting  e Five Obstructions with Lars Von Trier. Jørgen Leth has breathed new life into the documentary as a  lm genre focused on reality. His short  lms explore not only  lm language but also that of television, making them unique experiences.santiago de Compostela, spainCurtocircuito. Festival Internacional de Cine de Santiago de Compostela 06 - 11 oCt 2015Visitors with the collaboration of AC/EAki Kaurismäki(finland)Jørgen Leth(denmark)Jana Ptackova(doc Alliance, Czech republic)Neil Young(u.K.)organised byCurtocircuito. Festival Internacional de Cine de Santiago de Compostela Auditorio de Galicia

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