Page 12 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
P. 12

RESULTS 201512/How are the grants paid?Payment of the mobility grants is made by AC/E only after the project has been completed. Once the activity has been performed, in order for the grants to be paid, bene ciaries must send AC/E proof of completion of the activity and of how the funds have been used, namely:• A Financial Report containing:- A classi ed list of expenses charged to the grant and date of payment- Invoices or documents providing valid proof of these expenses• An Activity Report including:- Technical speci cations of the activity with Spanish participants - Programme of the activity carried out- Digital photographs of the activity and the Spanish participants - Summary of conclusions on the activity as well as its media and/or public impactFollowing completion of the project, only when the bene ciary has submitted the abovementioned documentation and the latter has been examined and approved by AC/E’s Department of Programmes and Financial Department will AC/E pay the sum awarded to the bene ciary, by bank transfer in a single payment within a maximum period of thirty (30) days from the abovementioned examination and approval, upon submission of the related invoices.

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