Page 10 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 201510/Promoting the international presence of Spanish creators, professionals and artists is one of the strategic courses of action of Acción Cultural Española AC/E.  is support for the Spanish cultural sector, both in the di erent  elds of culture and in the new modes of production and distribution of the creative industries, is implemented through the Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture (PICE) with the aim of enhancing its presence abroad, with AC/E acting as facilitator. e programme gives priority to the proposals that are least consolidated in the creative sector, most in need of boosting their presence abroad, and characterised by re ecting most closely the contemporaneity, creativity and plurality of Spanish culture today.It is structured into two lines of support:– Grants for Visitors belonging to benchmark foreign cultural organisations and institutions, both public and private.  ese visits allow international agents, in uencers and planners from di erent areas of culture and art to gain  rst-hand knowledge, in Spain, of what the country has to o er in their sector, in order to be able to incorporate it into their projects, activities or programmes.– Mobility grants that allow these foreign cultural organisations and institutions to include Spanish artists, professionals or creators in their projects, activities and programmes by receiving an economic incentive for this purpose. Both types of award are granted under a system of joint  nancing with the bene ciary organisations and are designed to be complementary and coordinated.

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