Page 106 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts106/Paloma Polo. Unrest is project by the artist Paloma Polo was the result of a collective e ortwhich provide a basis for structuringand organising a  ction  lm that re ects on the possibilities of social change and the di culties inherent in the exerciseof imagining a better future.  e artist brought together and proposed a collective and multidisciplinary e ort in an attempt to think of and proposed new models of social organisation. She seeked to further a practice and alternative thought that can give way to new modes of existence and conceive a post-capitalist society. e project focused on a speci c programme for economic development in the Philippines, where an area of isolated, unsupervised agricultural land inhabited by poor, oppressed country folk is contrasted with a government programme that promotes this spaceas a strategic geopolitical enclave. e grotesque disparity between development and despoilment re ects the contradictions of monopolist capital, which also underpins social existence and the contemporary social fabric.  e result and conclusions were presented in a publication and a visual art form that included a  lm and other related works, in order to capture the comprehensive and experimental dimensions of the project under the title Unrest.naples, italyGalleria Umberto di Marino11 dEC 2014 - 11 fEb 2015Amsterdam, netherlandsDe Ateliers27 noV - 12 dEC 2015participant with the collaboration of AC/EPaloma Poloorganised byGalleria Umberto di Marino

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