Page 104 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts104/Living in the Material world. Materiality in Contemporary Artmateriality has again come to represent a key concept for a young generation of artists today.In the 1960s the de nition of artwas expanded radically due to the questioning and re-evaluation of various materials. However, the possibilities of digital technology led to a reduction in the importance of concrete materialsat the end of the 20th century. In contemporary art the aspect of materiality is being addressed once more against the background of current social and cultural developments, andis even being elaborated further, and transformed.  e twelve artists invited to participate in the exhibition focused on the characteristics and narrative potential of such diverse materialsas concrete, wood, ceramics, glass, plastic or paper.  ey took up artisanal traditions and industrial production methods, occupied with recycling and do-it-yourself, devoted themselves to material analysis and the reconstruction of speci c places and objects, or developped fragile architectonic constructions.Catalogue Living in the Material World includes texts (Germ./Engl.) by Andrea Brauckmann, Julia Brennacher, Lotte Dinse, Beate Ermacora, Susanne Figner, Robert Fleck, Sylvia Martin, Gunnar Schmidt and Jürgen Tabor Snoeck Verlag, Cologne 2014.innsbruck, AustriaGalerie im Taxislapalais06 dEC 2014 - 15 fEb 2015 participant with the collaboration of AC/ELara Almarceguiorganised byGalerie im TaxislapalaisWhat material does an artist select, and for what reasons?  e international group exhibition Living in the Material World examined the role of materialsin contemporary art.  e aspect of

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