Page 81 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2016
P. 81
DATA, INTERFACES& STORYTELLING: AUDIOVISUAL IN THE DIGITAL AGEMontecarlo @ImastrangerHe holds a bachelor’s degree in ne arts (University of Barcelona) and an o cial master’s degree in cinema and television (Ramon Llull University), and is due to complete his PhD in advanced communication studies (URLL) in 2016 with a thesis on narrative structures in audiovisual media.Starting out as a comic book writer and video maker, he has also written feature-length lms and worked as a script doctor and project consultant ( ction and documentary). He has directed shorts and animated series, as well as designing exhibitions, games and interactives.In 2007 he founded Química visual and joined CargoCult Entertainment, Ltd. Founding member of StoryCodeBCN, founder of ADA (Asociación para el Desarrollo delAudiovisual) and international advisor for AVA (Audiovisual, Videojuegos y Animación).He has authored several books ( ction and essay) and regularly contributes to the specialiseddigital media, where he writes about storytelling, brand content, lm and innovation. DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201681Smart Culture: Impact of the Internet on Artistic Creation