Page 92 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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92This cerebral activity not only lays the founda- tion of perception, but de nes other associated structures such as those concerning language, idea association and everything related to brain mapping.The most recent studies have labeled the merg- ing of variable neurons as ‘transitional functions’, associated with the synchronization of various areas of the brain within the neural structure of the electric activity of the brain. These allow for the exchange of impulses from di erent areas of the brain, which in turn condition how we see a work of art and the environment it is in. For this reason, if we are trying to measure the brain’s response to art, the neural band or EEG must be placed just above the points or regions of the brain we wish to analyze, as the information de- rived from the  rst impulse of contemplating the work of art allows us to extract the data needed to decode emotion. There must be coherence in the use of the registering sensors to make the capturing of data scienti cally sound. It is also important to analyze the behavior in both sides of the brain to see the level of synchronization and activities in di erent areas of the brain.The technique decodes physiological signals via biosensors, adaptable electroencephalography (EEG) hardware, eyetracking glasses to measure the moment of attention and the focus of the contemplation of the work of art.The combination of techniques permits greater precision in the analysis of the experimentand the use of wireless technology makes the experiment as natural as possible as opposed to a symmetrical experiment carried out in the laboratory.The modularity of EEG technology is almost unlimited. Non-invasive technologies are undergoing a real global revolution, leaving the laboratory behind and moving into more natural and user-friendly environments. This has beenmade possible by wireless technology and other advances such as the dry sensor – previously the sensors had to be stuck to the skin with a conducting gel.Thanks also to a breakthrough in the automatic cleaning of Big Data, it is now possible to clean, process and convert large volumes of data into comprehensible information, something that was inconceivable several years ago.This allows us access to new levels of human consciousness from an internal perspective and to the projection of the interior to the exterior as well as enabling us to amplify the subject using biotechnology systems – systems that allow us access to a new level of consciousness and understanding of our environment as well as our interior.Successful work is being carried out in the area of transmitting messages by means of these systems via Internet. In fact, several words have been transmitted between two EEG headbands using Internet. In the  eld of medicine, spectac- ular advances have been made, particularly in relation to recouping attention in problematic neural areas but also in sectors such as market- ing, coaching, security and wellness – achieving previously unheard of levels of precision.The techniques vary depending on the level of precision needed for the study. The most com- mon are the decoding of physiological signals via biosensors, adaptable electroencephalography (EEG) hardware, eyetracking glasses to measure the moment of attention and the focus of the contemplation of the work of art. Known as wearables, these techniques are combined with others depending on the aim of the study. In the current neuroscienti c environment, no infor- mation with the potential to enrich the study is dismissed, even if it doesn’t come from strictly neural feedback. For example, many studies take into account micro facial gestures.WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE · XIMO LIZANASmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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