Page 78 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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78that, with the advent of the Internet of Things, limitations and barriers are beginning to be overcome. Future innovations in the cinema and theatre are becoming increasingly feasible. These innovations include dancing drones, actors who transmit data in the form of emotions, one-to- one interactions,  ash mobs and virtual reality shows, among others. Everything will be possible from now on.One of the future trends is immersion in  lms– even being able to experience certain parts of them. For example, the Subpac backpack enables you to feel soundwaves in person, and ampli es them so that they envelop you. As you wear it on your back (spine), you feel the music all over your body.The latest advances are enabling us to experience new kinds of sensations. The concept of 4D movies entails incorporating rain, wind or certain odours.The latest advances are enabling us to experi- ence new kinds of sensations. The concept of 4D movies entails incorporating rain, wind or certain odours. From our seats, we will even be able to feel the blows received by our favourite actor in a  ght. New professions will spring up in the performing arts, such as “theatre maker” or “cinema experience maker”.One of the major challenges is incorporating 3D into cinemas, as it is not going down as well as expected. Cinemagoers are not overly keen on wearing glasses to watch a  lm. One of the staunchest advocates of 3D, James Cameron, is experimenting with 3D viewing without the use of glasses for his next  lms; will we get to see this?Perhaps we will start exploring the possibilities of using mobile phones in some cinemas, but as part of the “Second Screen” concept. The idea is for us to be able to interact with our mobileat certain moments in the  lm, such as whenthe main character has to make a decision or to decide what planet he should visit. We will also be able to  nd out about a mysterious charac- ter’s past or help address a logical challenge. This alternative o ers a host of possibilities – that is, provided that nobody in the theatre objects to the glare of mobile phones in the dark.New IoT technologies applied to the cinema or theatreA few examples of interactive shows are the performances of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, which has been played in theatres all over the world over the past four hundred years. Ariel, the spirit, has been fully digitised to o er a unique digital experience. During the perfor- mance an actor’s movements are digitally cap- tured and the character is rendered, coming to life in real time in the audience’s presence. Intel has taken part in the project by supplying two servers with Xeon and Core i7 processers. After gathering the information, the technicians use twenty-seven projectors to make the character visible to the public. The Tempest is just one example of how technology and science are making it possible to add a new dimension to the arts and the theatre. intel-shakespeares-tempest/THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION... · PEDRO DIEZMASmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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