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cities into thriving and highly creative places. Promoting interaction and “citizen participation”, a smart city is nothing without its citizens.Cities will become thriving and highly creative places, promoting interaction and “citizen participation”, as smart city is nothing without its citizens.In the Arab Emirates a “happiness measure” has been created which records digital input from citizens and tourists on their reactions to and interactions with the various elements of the city. For example, it is being used to evaluate the cleanness of the streets and the e ciency of public services.The step prior to arriving in cultural spaces begins in peoples’ homes. How do we plan our consumption of leisure and culture from home?Smart homesThe science- ction view of a high-tech, con- nected home is rapidly becoming a reality: Amazon and Google have already launched smart assistants and Apple is rumoured to be about to bring out its own system based on the Framework HomeKit.background music and home appliances. Google launched a similar device of its own called Google Home.Voice command systems allow users to ask questions and control their IoT devices merelyby giving voice commands. Behind all these devices are chatbots, software that simulates human conversation (or writing) through arti cial intelligence. This service supports people’s needs and is employed chie y for speci c purposes such as customer services centres and health services, or for entertainment.These systems use the voice or natural language to improve interaction with users. Instead of clicking on buttons on a website or mobile app, you can perform operations simply by chatting and asking questions like “What  lms are on tonight?”, “Can you book two tickets for the opera this Saturday?”, or “What are the  nal football league standings?”A few examples of their use for entertainment purposes are listed below:Disney created an o cial bot of Judy Hopps, one of its main digital characters, on Facebook to promote the release of the  lm Zootopia. Users helped Judy Hopps solve cases and could chat to her and ask her about the  lm.Domino’s Pizza has launched a service that ensures that users can get a pizza anywhere and at any time. They can order from the Amazon Echo chatbot, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, smartwatches and smart cars.Now that we have our ticket for the cinema or theatre, which we have bought from home using a smart device, we can enjoy the experience.Smart cinemas & smart theatresAlthough major progress is beginning to be made in the world of entertainment, the fact isAmazon Echo is a loudspeaker with a personal assistant called Alexa. It acts as a control centre for all the devices installed in a smart home, including light bulbs, thermostat, sensors, alarms,AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201777Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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