Page 73 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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IntroductionThe Internet of Things (IoT) embodies a concept that is intended to re ect the deep transfor- mation and radical shift in paradigm that our way of life is undergoing in our homes, cities and working environments. We are witnessinga technological leap that directly a ects how mankind addresses challenges. Basically, the Internet of Things will revolutionise our concep- tion of the world and how we interact with it.The term “Internet of Things” is not new and could be de ned simply as a group of smart devices (cars,  tness trackers, TVs, etc.)  tted with sensors, software and electronics andthat enable them to connect to a network and store and exchange data. Although the Internet of Things is already a reality, it is merely the beginning of a social, economic and cultural transformation that is shaking the foundations of mankind. This article will examine in detail the new concepts and trends such as Smart Cities, Mixed Reality, Chatbots, Augmented Human, Internet of Body and Accelerated Learning and how they are changing our understanding of art, leisure and culture.The Internet of Things (IoT) embodies a concept that is intended to re ect the deep transformation and radical shift in paradigm that our way of life is undergoing in our homes, cities and working environments.These advances will enable us to develop our capabilities further than we had ever dreamedof. But these changes also pose new challengesto our society and how we relate to each other. Indeed, the metamorphosis is so profound that there is already talk of the new “Technological Revolution” that will also extend to culture, leisure and art. New ways of expressing our creativity and inventiveness are being developed day by day.We increasingly hear about new technologies and gadgets that have come onto the market –devices and apps that make life, work and daily tasks simpler. The next stage of technological evolution is for us to adapt all the tools already in use (among others, smartphones and tablets) to more intuitive means of communicating with the technological environment.It is evident that this evolution will transform existing industries, but it will also give rise to new business models. We will not only witness changes in the industrial and health sectors, but also in industries focused on design, fashion and, in particular, art.Art and the Internet of ThingsSince the very origins of mankind, art is what has set us apart from other species. The cave paintings, which date from forty thousand years ago, still amaze us today on account of their expressive force. Since then, artists have sought di erent ways of expressing both their inner world and their environment, and they have shown particular interest in people who made an impact on others’ lives.The advent of the internet and new technologies has had a twofold e ect. For one thing, they enable artists to reach bigger audiences, cutting promotion costs, and to enjoy easy access to anywhere in the world. For example, local artists who create great works or establish an impactful style can easily gain international recognition if they share their works on the social media and can sell them in all corners of the planet.The ability to transform any physical object into digital furthermore makes it possible to build emotional links between users. Incorporating digital links into works leads to the exploration of new ways in which they can interact with the people who go up close to view or experience them. This is where the di erence lies: we are going to be able to feel, share or contribute to works that are in uenced by the IoT.AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201773Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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