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152participants, as there are no limits on enrolment. Professionals from all over the world take part in MOOCs, which provide open, free content. These factors have spurred the proliferation of courses of this kind on cultural heritage as part of educational initiatives of universities and museums, among other institutions.MOOC - The Alhambra: History, Art and HeritageThe online platform o ers a course entitled The Alhambra: History, Art and Heritage,129 which has been running for two years since its establishment as an educational project designed to provide deeper knowledge of this unique monument of Nasrid Granada.It is an online course (in English and Spanish)in which institutions such as the University of Granada,130 CEIBioTic Granada131 and the Escuela de la Alhambra132 take part.A team of more than thirty teachers and man- agement professionals of the board of trustees of the Alhambra was in charge of devising the contents of this course, dividing it into six mod- ules (one per week) providing information about all the cultural aspects required to gain in-depth knowledge of the palace-city.For example, the modules “History of the Nasrids”, “The aesthetics of the Alhambra”,“Life in the Alhambra” and “Conservation and restoration of the Alhambra” analyse its history, construction processes and aesthetic values and the reasons for its conservation.A characteristic feature of online courses of this kind is that registered users are provided with audiovisual materials put together by the teachers especially for this course, forums for discussing any questions the participants may have during the course, and direct online assis- tance from the teachers.MOOC - Velázquez en el Museo del PradoIn 2016 the Museo del Prado joined the Miríada X platform for online courses, an initiative devised by Telefónica and Universia to promote free open knowledge in the higher education  eld in the Spanish-speaking countries via the internet.Its  rst foray into the platform was with the course Velázquez en el Museo del Prado,133 which was developed using exclusive content from the Museo del Prado and is part of the Prado online programme, an initiative of the museum’s action plan for 2013–2016, which enjoys the supportof Telefónica for promoting knowledge of the museum’s collection and activities over the internet.This course traces the Sevillian artist’s career, identifying the in uence of other masters and works that were essential in his formative period as sources of inspiration and, basically, in the shaping of his style.As can be expected, the aim of the course is to show the evolution of the painter’s oeuvre and life through knowledge of the historical context of the period he lived in, the reign of Philip IV. It also sets out to identify the keys to his style of painting and his genius in the history of world art taking as a basis the Prado’s matchless holdings.The multimedia content of the course consists of more than thirty videos with footage of real locations, dramatisations with an important ed- ucational value and, as a novelty, the use of ultra HD 4K technology, which make it a reference example for online courses o ered by heritage institutions around the world.MOOC - Europeana Space con Patrimonio DigitalA di erent perspective is provided by this online course which is part of the E-Space Project. Here2. DISSEMINATION, ENHANCEMENT AND EDUCATIONThe use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage

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