Page 127 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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The purpose of this software is to help users create a new project on a heritage property by importing and organising all the multimedia information gathered by techniques such as photogrammetry, digital photography and others. All this documentation is processed by several of the programme’s tools to obtain an exhaustive database that allows pathologies and diagnoses for future interventions to be made.on historic buildings, as well as draw up preven- tive conservation plans.1.3 Metadata management systemsMetadata has traditionally been used in book cataloguing systems as a means of managing and retrieving stored information. However, as information is increasingly digital, metadata has become one of the tools with the greatest potential in the  eld of the so-called digital humanities.It has been of great importance in facilitating one of the oldest and most arduous historic heri- tage tasks: inventorying and cataloguing cultural property. Sector professionals have found that databases have hugely facilitated the task of gathering and cataloguing information as, unlike other elements such as publications, artistic objects are very heterogeneous and require the type of detailed analysis that a computerised database can provide.Incorporating metadata into the system makes it possible not only to catalogue but also to estab- lish a fast and easy data retrieval language that helps access and disseminate all these heritage records. Though this also calls for unifying the required systems and  elds to allow data to be exported between the various institutions.It is therefore necessary to build a suitable organisational infrastructure for managing meta- data, which establishes resources for acquiring and selecting data, the use of metadata stan- dards and recording. Metadata standard refers to the minimum level of information needed to document heritage property and encompasses the procedures involved in understanding, pro- tecting and managing these assets. The Council of Europe has established standard international rules for cultural heritage, which are laid down in Documenting the Cultural Heritage.24 This document describes the three basic core dataFigure 01 - Interface of Sandstone, Heritage Documentation Software. Photo: video screenshot. Source: YouTubePetroBIMThe use of speci c software is also proving tobe especially important to sector professionals in the recording and preventive conservation of heritage property. For example, the online tool PetroBIM23 has been developed to create a da- tabase focused on producing three-dimensional models that can be used to analyse all the pa- thologies and alterations in a particular property by means of information layers. It provides an intuitive and predominantly visual interface that not only records all the art-historical information on the property but also makes it possible to create virtual cross-sections, generate  lters for consulting graphs and perform instant informa- tion searches, among other functions. One of its advantages is that it is an online collaborative database that involves a large number of sector professionals in multidisciplinary teams. The information obtained will make it possible to undertake intervention and restoration projectsAC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017127The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage

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