España ha dado el pistoletazo de salida a la presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea con la inauguración del proyecto artístico 'Paisaje Solar' de la artista Rocío Asensi que cuenta con dos instalaciones en el edificio del Consejo que acoge las reuniones de los Veintisiete y las cumbres de líderes europeos.
Luz, sol, transición ecológica, energía, valores europeos, todo eso es lo que quiere representar esta obra. La creación artística es el alma de la cultura europea y la cultura europea es la base de toda la construcción de Europa", ha dicho el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Cooperación y Unión Europea, Jose Manuel Albares desde Bruselas.
Beneficiaries of the call PICE 2024:
3rd RESOLUTION (Final lists |Published 10/14/2024)
> PICE Movilidad
> PICE Visitantes
> PICE Residencies
Ana Pez is the illustrator selected for this residency, organized by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l'image, with the collaboration of the French Embassy in Spain, which takes place in La Maison des Auteurs de Angoulême (France) for six months, between January and June 2025.
Ana Pez (Madrid, 1987) began illustrating in 2012 for the publishing world and since then she has not stopped collaborating with national and international publishers.Her work has been selected and exhibited among others at the Mostra degli Illustratoride Bologna (Italy), the Ilustrarte Biennial (Portugal) and the Ibero-American Catalog of Illustration (Mexico).
Alejandro Albán is the writer selected for this residency. He will be able to develop a literary project already started, between January 3 and February 27, 2025, at the Cité Des Arts, in Paris. The objective of the call is for the selected writer to have, during these two months, an adequate residence and work space, as well as to be able to establish networks with other creators and have access to the resources offered by both the Cité des Arts and the city of Paris itsel
> Line of promotion of the translation of complete works and anthologies, and the illustration of translated books.
CLOSURE 2: 01 Apr - 30 Oct 2023
> Anthology (PDF). Published 19/01/2024.
> Illustration of translated books (PDF). Published 19/01/2024.
> Complete works (PDF). Published 19/01/2024.