Page 39 - The Future Belongs to No One. Eugenio Ampudia
P. 39

Will companies offering internet-related services and products, electronic devices, software and other digital technologies be the owners of our future?They’re a present continuous. They have the possibility of trapping us in a hyper-exposed, hyper-communicated, superficial reality full of smiling or terrifying pixels that freeze and threaten us.Or some diehard religious group?It’s possible that an absurd spread of despicable and ridiculous norms aimed at paralysing the evolution of individual and therefore global thought will occur. There’ll possibly be people not heading in a positive direction, who condemn themselves with prisons, causing deep suffering throughout their area of influence.Even so, their actions should be easy to undermine for a society that loves freedom and the common good.Or some monopoly with spectacular pornographic appetites?Although it could be somewhat exciting, it doesn’t seem that sex will vary the future possibilities of humankind very much. It’s part of it. It’s a shared impulse that we mostly satisfy with the people around us.I can’t image people in continuous lubricated ecstasy caused by external iconographic or chemical agents.Or the world’s poor united?Show the weak the strength they possess when they join forces to take the present into their own hands, says Julius Van Daal.Seek and know how to recognise who and what is not inferno amid the inferno and make it last, and make room for it, says Italo Calvino.39 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET39 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET

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