Page 35 - The Future Belongs to No One. Eugenio Ampudia
P. 35

What do you think about models of creation based on collaborations, or strategies of socio-aesthetic relationism, which incidentally are very much in vogue? I’m all for collaborations of this kind. It’s an option. I realise that some find a voice different from their own if they project it from collaborative or social environments. It’s simply a choice that influences the creative process in a determining way.Are indifference and ataraxia factors of a happy existence and motors of creativity?I’ve never enjoyed or suffered from them, but I suppose they might be an interesting platform for generating a certain type of pieces or, maybe, more easily, comfortable sofas.In the film Arrebato Iván Zulueta seems to suggest that socially deprived individuals’ compulsive escapism through art will lead, sooner or later, to a transition to the dimension of the sublime and guaranteed transcendence. Do you know of any circumstances in which this has actually happened with undeniable justice?Maybe in Basquiat’s case?Does anyone who witnesses your actions linked to the Dónde dormir series effectively become a critical inspector of ‘the memory with which we construct social space’?The actions in the Dónde dormir series function as an instruction manual; I began carrying them out in 2008 to bring social space as close as possible to its owners, citizens. Only from that position is it possible for everyone to come up with efficient and real proposals that broaden everyone’s possibilities.Is it possible to be a conscientious and sincere poetic anarchist today?It depends on the context; in some climates, situations and environments the idea of poetic anarchy may have a certain resonance. In others, it may sound rather naïve and the idea of poetic anarchy may somewhat neutralise the social message. Any type of anarchy must be subversive. At any rate, I’m more interested in anarchic attitudes than individuals. I prefer to subvert subversion.Did the punk aesthetic provoke a few favours rather than refresh graphic design or give impetus to stagnant fashions?I think so. It should be borne in mind that the punk movement was based on situationist premises and changed the way of being, thinking and acting from the 70s onwards.It not only sought provocation through shows of aesthetic transgression or contradictory or insolent turns of phrase, but expressed a jumble of social criticism approaches and political stances that underlines the terrible aspects of35 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET35 | EUGENIO AMPUDIA. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO NO ONE YET

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