Page 78 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts78/Monkey week - bands A-SwingingjAViEr yustEEL CULTURAL | 09/10/2015Monkey Week has arrivedin Puerto de Santa María—a hybrid event foranyone and everyone into discovering emerging bands; professionals and public alike. e numbers speak for themselves: 196 concerts, 400 accredited professionals and 160 journalists.  at’s Monkey Week.  e event kicks o  this Friday and goes on until the small hours of Monday morning in Puerto de Santa María.  e festival slogan, “discover today the bands of tomorrow” clearly states the organisers commitmentto all kinds of musical styles and in uences from emerging bands dotted throughout the whole city. While not falling back on perhaps the big homeland successes (like Vetusta Morla, Supersubmarina, Izal etc), the festival does also o er a good choice of consolidated names like Julio de la Rosa, Grupos de Expertos Solynieve, Toundra or Pájaro; all bound to leave a good taste in the mouth for the general public.But Monkey Week is not just aimed at the general public, as it also serves as a trade fair o ering a special opportunity for groups to show o  what they have before agenda setters at home and abroad. “Monkey Week was born of the spirit to combine a music industry event with a springboard for emerging bands,” explains Tali Carreto, co-director of the festival. “A third aim is to turn Puerto de Santa María into a city of music, pervading all di erent corners of the city, for the three-day duration of the event.” e festival has not stopped growingsince its  rst edition, in terms both ofthe number of bands performing and professionals attending. Its media impact also gets bigger and bigger. As a result, more and more groups manage to convince

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