Page 170 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts170/Project ED. Meeting of Iberoamerican Editors2015 e De Finibus Laboratory for publishing processes and reading is an ongoing programme for discussion and work whose main objectives are to establishand maintain: a platform for exchanging knowledge in bene t of books as symbolic assets and consumer goods; and a channel for communication that makes possible continuous re ection on the publishing trade, its current development and the future of the industry and on reading as an exercise of memory and identity and a collective and individual experience.Between November and December 2015, the Laboratory hosted the third editionof Proyecto Ed. / Encuentro de editores iberoamericanos, which brought together more than 20 Spanish-speaking publishers in the cities of México and Guadalajara.  e aim was to establish dialoguethrough roundtables, talks and special presentations and, at the same time, an itinerary consisting of venues that propose alternative routes to the conventional circuits for the production and circulation of books. e Spanish participation of Silvia Bianchi, director of Libros Mutantes of Madrid and Garikoitz Fraga, an editor at Belleza In nita, was the result of a visit paid by Analía Solomono , one of the members of De Finibus, to Libros Mutantes in Madrid with the aid of a Visitors grant awarded by AC/E.México City, MéxicoCentro Cultural de España en México24 - 26 noV 2015guadalajara, MéxicoPAOS. Museo Taller José Clemente Orozco 28 noV - 02 dEC 2015participant with the collaboration of AC/ESilvia Bianchi(libros Mutantes)Garikoitz Fraga(Belleza In nita)organised byDe Finibus A.C.

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