Page 155 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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cInEMAArtiClE155/Nostalgia for the Light (Nostalgia de la Luz).  e Pearl Button makes a link, by way ofthe sea, between the victims of Pinochet’s dicatatorship and the genocide of six ethnic Magallan people in the south of Chile. is edition of FIDOCS will also count on the presence of such big names in the world of documentaries as: the French  lmmaker Julie Bertuccelli (Grand Prix de la Semaine de la Critique at Cannes 2003); the Argentinean directors José Luis García and Daniel Rosenfeld; the Swiss documentary maker Fernand Melgar (special mention in the Locarno festival for L’abri); the Spanish director Hermes Paralluelo, attending the festival thanks to the collaboration of AC/E Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture.“I’m looking forward to seeing the Chilean documentary challengers.  ere is a great documentary tradition in the country and it always puts a lot of interesting pieces forward,” says Paralluelo. He will see his own work on view at the festival: the short  lm Sugar Loaf (Pan de azúcar - 2008) and the feature-length  lms Yatasto (2011) and Not All is Vigil (No todo es vigilia - 2014).  e Spanish director will also be on the judges panel for various di erent categories and he will give a conference, also open to the public and which will attract cinema professionals, students and journalists. “I will try to speak as honestly and directly as I can about my processes,” he pledges.Hermes Paralluelo’s  lms are the combination of sophisticated techniqueand all-embracing naturalness. But both aspects are, to some degree, the result of what marked his beginnings: the search for stylistic perfection. Paralluelo sets out to tell stories of people in di cult or even extreme situations, such as loneliness (Sugar Loaf), poverty (Yatasto) and old-age (Not All is Vigil). “For me, cinema should move you; it should have the capacity to transforma person; to make a person di erent after seeing a  lm,” says the director: “For me, reality outside  lms is rich and the reality created by  lms is rarely as interesting. I think a  lm interests me when I preferto be in the cinema theatre watching it than sitting on a corner somewhere people watching. And that usually happens when I feel the  lm is born of a personal need; then, you  nd just the right way to turn the creative act into a vital primal scream.”Another Spanish director, Isaki Lacuesta, will also o er us a retrospective. Additioanlly, there will be showings of such acclaimed and renowned  lms as Joshua Oppernheimer’s  e Look of Silence (2014), Frederick Wiseman’s National Gallery, Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado’s Salt of the Earth and, posthumously, Albert Maysles’ In Transit.

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