Page 124 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts124/European Art hits the StreetsAndrÉs sEoAnEEL CULTURAL | 09/09/2015Clair Howells, founding member and president of the International Federation for Arts in Performing Spaces (IFAPS) is attending Fresh Street, the  rst European seminar for the development of street arts, thanks tothe AC/E Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture. eatre, gra ti, sculpture, dance, performance, circus, painting or any other kind of art is valid, as long as it complies with one rule: it has got to be enacted in the street. Fresh Street, the  rst European seminar for the development of street arts, starting Wednesday, aims to bring together a wide range of cultural professionals,artist, managers and operators from all over Europe to show us what is happening today and to leave their mark in the streets.Among the hottest topics in the air for professionals in this  eld is getting street art recognised and tackling issues concerning the use of public spaces, as well as how to set up training courses. All that, together with the economics behind it all, will be tackled by 250 participants, including artists, cultural policy movers, critics, the press and sector professionals from all over Europe in two debates and four working panels at tackling the sector’s deepest concerns. is event starts in Barcelona and will present its conclusons in the town of Tàrrega, Lerida province, within the frameworkof the street theatre fair in Fira Tàrrega Street, to be inaugurated this coming 10 September. One outstanding feature willbe the participation of Clair Howells inthe event. She has landed in Fresh Street thanks to the AC/E Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture.“ is programme allows me to be in contact with our partners in other European countries and to report on the German state of play,” says Howells. “In

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