Page 118 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts118/DFERIAof Performing ArtsDonostia 2015dFeria is an important appointment for the the Performing Arts sector. It started in 1988 and today has become a clear reference for professionals in the performing arts in Spain while it continues to strengthen its ties with the European and Latin American markets. Donostia Fair has managed to distinguish itself for the quality of its programme.During dFeria, San Sebastián becomes a big market for the performing arts.  e fair is an extraordinary platformto meet the various industry players, in which multiple possibilities of exchange and promotion arises. It involves about 600 professionals in the performing arts, of which approximately 200are programmers.  ese include the presence of almost all developers of the leading Spanish theaters, as well as European and Latin American professionals.san sebastián, spainSeveral venues9 - 12 MAr 2015Visitors with the collaboration of AC/EÁngel Ancona(teatros of the City of México)Gustavo Zidan(sala Verdi de Montevideo, uruguay)Cássio Pinheiro(festival de teatro palco&rua de belo horizonte, brasil)Inti Picado(Centro de producción Artística y Cultural-CpAC, Argentina )organised byDonostia Kultura(Victoria Eugenia Antzokia s.A.)Gobierno VascoDiputación Foral de Guipúzcoa INAEM

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