Page 114 - Results 2015: AC/E Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
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RESULTS 2015sElECtion of projECts114/Fresh Street 2015Fresh Street is the  rst European Seminar for the Development ofStreet Arts to be held in Barcelona and Tàrrega. Organised by the Circostrada network and FiraTàrrega, this key event is aimed at bringing together more than 250 cultural operators to assess the current state of the sector, establish a diagnosis and make recommendations for the structuring and future development of street arts in Europe. e Fresh Street seminar is part ofthe project presented and approvedat the  rst call for proposals of thenew Creative Europe programme. A committee of nine street and circus arts organisations belonging to the network have been working on the programme since, spainFresh Street Fira Tárrega09 - 11 sEp 2015Visitors with the collaboration of AC/EClair Howells, IFAPS(international federation for Arts in performing spaces, germany) Carlos Martins(opium, portugal)TV Honan(Waterford spraoi, ireland)Bettina Linstrum(isAn, u.K.)Jens Frimann Hansen(passagefestival, denmark)Luisa Cuttini(Associazione Culturale C.l.A.p.spettacolodalvivo, italy) Jean-Sébastien Steil (formation supérieure d’arten espace public)Pierre Sauvageot(liEuX publiCs - Centre national de Creation des arts de la rue, france) Paula Echeñique(fundación teatro a Mil, Chile)Marc Van Vliet(holland)Francois Delarozière(la Machine, france)Martins Kibers(rErErigA! festival, latvia)organised byCircostrada Fira Tàrrega

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