Page 20 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report 2016
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20Since then mutual knowledge has been gleaned from experiences in this sector, which enjoys a prominent role in culture. The lessons learned from them are compiled and published in This Month in GLAM and discussed at international meetings. How are links established between curators and researchers at museums, librarians, conservators and restorers? It is not usually possible to place museums’ entire holdings on display for reasons of time and space.Institutions such as the castle of Versailles, the German Federal Archives, the Museu Picasso in Barcelona, UNESCO and the Smithsonian Institution Archives have collaborated on this project. In Mexico the author of this article spent several months at the Museo Soumaya developing projects related to the museum’s collection, which spans from the fourteenth to the twentieth centuries.Work was carried out in Mexico during 2015 to create content based on museum collections. Museums have provided images and placed them under a Creative Commons licence.The projects of this kind run in Mexico in 2015 involved above all creating content basedon the collections in the museum’s care, aswell as articles on national and international art but related to the museum. The museum has furthermore donated high-resolution images taken professionally by specialised photographers and has loaned and placed them under a new Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike licence.Wikipedia in the living room: building live knowledgeAlthough there are statistics indicating thatit is used constantly and widely by young people in Mexico,19 there is plenty of roomfor improvement in the relationship between Wikipedia and the school environment. It is very common for Wikipedia to be formally forbiddenat primary school level and banished from high-level academic circles. According to a few case studies (Bayliss: 2009, Brox: 2012), concerns about Wikipedia relate to the fact that it encourages copying and pasting content, as well as to its truthfulness and accuracy and di use notion of authorship.There are no quantitative or qualitative studies on the relationship between Wikipedia and the world’s schools; such a mammoth task is beyond the capabilities of the movement. Instead, ithas responded to this perception by setting up Wikipedia’s Education Programme, a series of online resources and strategies that promote the adoption of Wikipedia in classrooms under guidance.The models showing how knowledge is built on a particular subject in Wikpedia are varied, ranging from getting a group of students to examine a particular article as a semester project,20 or assigning a complete Wikipedia article for a semester assessment.21Started up in the United States and Canada,in 2015 the programme incorporated schools, teachers and pupils of 62 countries. In Mexico work has been carried out since 2011 at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana campus Iztapalapa, the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and the Universidad de las Américas, among other institutions. By the end of 2015, Wikimedia México had assessed 118 students through Wikipedia’s educational programme.Growth outlook: prospects, ideas and way forwardAs stated earlier, the intellectual production based around Wikipedia is centred on analysing its inspirations and consequences – on how it exerts in uence as a mechanism of virtuality sui generis as a substantial part of the Internet, as it is known to those of us who currently have access to it.THE WIKIPEDIA PHENOMENON IN TODAY’S SOCIETY: FIFTEEN YEARS ON · IVÁN MARTÍNEZSmart Culture: Impact of the Internet on Artistic Creation