Page 88 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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88WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCEXimo Lizana (LinkedIn)Research Professor, National Prize of Contemporary Art (AECA) in Spain and prize of the Köln Messe (Germany). Former artistic director of ARCO, professor at the European University of Madrid (UEM)and the University of California at Irvine. Director of the Masters Live Entertainment from Live Nation/ UEM and Creation and Management of Video Games and Play Station / UEM. Former academic director of McCann / UEM’s Master of New Trends in Advertising Communication. He collaborates with more than twenty high technology corporations and his experience comes from research centers such as MIT, ZKM or Texas Tech. He is a frequent speaker at events such as TEDex, WOBI, Inspirational, etc. Advises the main advertising corporations and media agencies in their innovation committees. Currently he is the artistic director of Aqualium, combining this activity with international exhibition projectsand technology advice to companies such as Disney, Thyssen Krupp, Repsol, Banco Santander, etc.He specializes in the singularization of corporations through technology and is one of the pioneers of the introduction in Spain of VR, AR +, holographic laser technology and interactivity. Among his  rst milestones he stands out as the  rst artist to sell a robot as a work of art to a museumin Spain or to make the  rst holographic sculpture without material. NeuroCulture has also been an international pioneer, since it is the  rst system capable of quantifying emotion in art.WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE · XIMO LIZANASmart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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