Page 81 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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with someone? Now beacons enable you to comment on your sensations, convey your impressions of an artwork and associate all this with a particular point or area of the museum.3. Treasure huntsTreasure hunts have traditionally used QR codes or manual inputs to con rm that clues or tokens have been discovered. Now we have the possibility of incorporating geopo- sitioning experiences and making the search more dynamic thanks to beacons.4. A digital “like” for a physical objectHave you ever wanted to give a “like” to a painting in a gallery or post a tweet about a speci c element in a museum? Just as beacons can establish what particular object we have in front of us, simply by making refencing it on our social media we can give it a “like” or tweet our experience of the museum.5. Advanced analyticsWe can gather signi cant information on how visitors interact and how they move in the cultural space by creating a heat map of visitor movement and learn about aspects such as interactions inside the building, waiting time and most visited places, in order to help design future exhibitions.How can beacons take the cinema experience to a new level?The major  lm studios have been searching for new ways of advertising grand premieres and new releases with gripping trailers and surprising events.As part of this strategy, they have come to realise that beacons can o er a new alternative for establishing better communication with lm enthusiasts and, accordingly, boost sales. This is an important challenge, as the app for managing the connection with the beacons will run for a limited time – the duration of the  lm in question. However, this can be solved with general apps associated with particular studios, for example Sony or Warner Bros, or shopping centres. To what uses can they be put? Here are a few examples:1. To build loyalty programmesThese messages could vary from special o ers to customised noti cations based on the user’s location in the cinema. For example, if it is a visitor’s  rst time, we might o er them a discount o  tickets for a  lm that has not yet been released, whereas a frequent visitor might be rewarded for their loyalty with a free soft drink or popcorn.2. To locate seatsThe size of movie theatres has increased and today we  nd large IMAX screens such as the London one, which is twenty metres high and can seat 498.Owing to the large size of many modern cinemas, people often get lost when making their way to their viewing room or seat. The di culty is further exacerbated if they have arrived late and the room is in complete darkness. Although Wi-Fi has sometimes helped solve the problem of location, this indoor positioning technology is not always DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201781Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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