Page 39 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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laugh, share it on the social media... If we speak of digital, connection, experiences or emotions, music is language (universal).The major brands do not create or produce advertising or content, they generate admira- tion. And admiration is a powerful emotion, because regardless of how long it lasts (a second, a minute, an hour, a day...) it remains with us forever.I believe we should try and do things a bit di er- ently every day. The key lies in understanding and empathising with our target audiences. Major brands and institutions are thus coming up with projects aimed at getting their message across to audiences using music, and many are succeeding.Renfe’s “Your story, your song”Music has always been part of people’s lives. Today more than ever before it accompanies us constantly and is part of our experiences. It is present in everyday life, especially when we travel. Train journeys have always been particu- larly linked to music.For these reasons Renfe, Spain’s railway company, has decided to use music as a way of reaching its travellers through the initiative “Your story, your song” (Tu historia, tu canción). The result of this project is the  rst song composed from train passengers’ stories and experiences. The project directly links real-life experiences, turning them into a real song using the digital medium. In 2016 it was the  rst of a numberof initiatives design to foster Renfe’s ongoing commitment to music as a way of getting its travellers to enjoy experiences.Renfe users sent in stories they had experienced while travelling by train through the website The  ve most moving stories were chosen as inspiration for the singer-songwriters Bebe and Juan Zelada to compose a song.The song was o cially released on 10 November at the Museo del Ferrocarril (railway museum), where Renfe, together with Muwom and the artists Bebe and Juan Zelada, presented a live performance of the result of the innovative “Your story, your song” initiative: the song entitled “A carcajadas”. Naturally the event was attendedby the main characters in the story, Eduardo and Rocío, who were very excited to receive an award in recognition and memory of the action.Bebe and Juan Zelada’s new song, “A carcajadas”, came out on digital platforms on 11 November. All pro ts will go to Fundación Apascovi.Projects like Renfe’s show that music is essential for companies and should be just as or even more essential for all the players in the rest of the culture and creative industries. Today we live in a changing environment, which also meansan environment of constant opportunities.We should surround ourselves with colleagues who allow us to carry on making our passion our work. Any dream you can ful l without the help of others is a very small dream. For the opportunity to establish synergies is huge in the new environment where people are increasingly aiming to make that which they enjoy, consume and share every day on the internet a reality.AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 201739Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends

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