Page 184 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
P. 184

184The geodatabase elements consisted of his- torical information, documents, ground plans extracted from 3D models and descriptions in the form of text and images speci cally showing the artistic features of the architectural complex. An unmanned aerial vehicle was employedto document the exteriors of the complex by capturing aerial images of this large area.The most innovative feature of this GIS-based database was that it allowed visitors to explore the villa from various perspectives (geometric, spatial and time sequences) by means of speci c consultations or using the timeline function.TOVIVA ProjectThe TOVIVA282 (TOrres de VIgía y defensa del litoral VAlenciano. Generación de metadatosy modelos 3D para su interpretación y efectiva puesta en valor [Watchtowers and defence towers of the Valencian coast. Generating metadata and 3D models for their interpretation and enhancement]) research project is run by the Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio of the Universidad Polit cnica de Valencia. It is designed to enhance the historic and heritage value of the military architecture along Spain’s east coast which dates from the sixteenth century, when the socio-political context called for naval defence measures. When this context changed owing to the dis- appearance of piracy and the development of other economic activities, these constructions were progressively relieved of their functions and became part of the urban agglomeration of subsequent centuries, as a result of which their original morphology was altered or they were eventually demolished. The TOVIVA projectis designed to rescue these coastal heritage elements from the past by using state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for documenta- tion (photogrammetric and 3D laser scanning techniques), research, interpretation, recovery (creation of inter-institutional databases) and enhancement (design of applications for mobile devices) purposes.Statistics applied to art cataloguesThe project entitled Investigación histórica y representación digital accesible. El patrimonio artístico durante la guerra civil y la posguerra283 (Historical research and accessible digital repre- sentation. Artistic heritage during the civil war and post-war), which has been run since 2015 by the research group Museum I+D+C. Laboratorio de Cultura Digital y Museografía Hipermedia284 of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, involves using digital technologies to explore and catalogue the works salvaged and deposited in safe places by the Republic during the Spanish civil war and compare them with the locations of these works immediately after the war. The research into the vicissitudes and whereabouts of each of these artworks relies on the digital medium to manage such a huge number of works. An open and collaborative internet database has been designed for this purposeso that researchers or anyone else can provide information. The use of Web 2.0 tools and the possibilities of the semantic web have facilitated the process of cataloguing each item and the related analyses, establishing statistics that provide a number of joint results characteristic of metadata handling platforms. A few results285 already displayed on the project’s website relate to statistical data gleaned to ascertain the num- ber and percentage of works that were moved out of Spain and those that remained; they also indicate what percentages were returned to their original owners or passed to others, mapping the itinerary of each of the works. The ultimate aim of this project is to establish the con uence be- tween historical research and the management of knowledge using the possibilities the digital medium has to o er.PREFORMA projectCataloguing heritage is an activity that is rapidly growing in pace with the development of tech- nologies that enable this data to be acquired and processed in order to be consulted and used by the community in databases. Europeana, the3. RESEARCHThe use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage

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