Page 171 - AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report
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Numancia and Samsung Gear VRThe Celtiberian archaeological site of Numancia (Soria) was the object of an experience in which a virtual recreation of the settlement duringits height of splendour could be enjoyed using Samsung Gear VR. The virtual content was created using visual documentation from the Museo Arqueológico Nacional to ensure the archaeological accuracy needed to recreatethe scenes. Several Spanish organisations were involved in this project:216 El Ranchito,217 Empty,218 VR Zero219 and Cirugía Grá ca.220 Using the virtual reality headset and a pad, visitors can experience a stroll along the oppidum as it was in the second century BC and gain  rst-hand knowledge of daily life in a Celtiberian town (Azpitarte et al., 2015).221 The 3D virtual environment shows the utensilsin detail and the customs of this culture, based on the objects and archaeological remains found at the site. The virtual reality system provides a 360-degree view and a sensation of immersion that allows virtual visitors to walk along the streets and go inside homes. To further enhance the experience – especially with younger visitors in mind – the project includes a game consisting of searching for three characteristic objects of the period on which additional information on their use and features is provided.L’Ara com’eraThe altar known as Ara Pacis Augustae ( rst century BC) is the focus of the project entitled L’Ara com’era,222 which sets out to restore the splendour of this monument commemorating the victories of Augustus in the provinces of Hispania and Gaul. Once again augmented reality was the technology used by the cultural company ETT SpA223 to carry out this project, which was promoted by Roma Capitale, Asses- sorato alla Crescita Culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and organised as part of Zètema Progetto Cultura.The prototype Samsung Gear VR headset was installed with a Samsung S7 smartphone in orderto implement the augmented reality application, so that the experience provided both virtual and augmented content.To implement the project, which was designed to show the original appearance of the Roman altar, a 3D monitoring system was used forthe augmented reality experience, so that the application would be capable of recognisingthe three-dimensionality of the sculptural bas-reliefs and of identifying each of the  gures represented. This made it possible to overlay the virtual elements on the visual perceptions of the visitors, who could observe the beautiful sculp- tural reliefs and their complex iconography by means of additional multimedia information. An especially signi cant feature of this visit to the Ara Pacis was the reconstruction of the original polychrome of the marble based on hypotheses devised from the studies and analyses carried out to date; and the audio track narrating the scenes represented in relief, from the mythical origins of Rome through the  gures of Aeneas and the twins Romulus and Remus to the solemn liturgical procession in which the imperial family of Augustus is represented, and even the history of the vicissitudes the monument su ered fol- lowing its discovery and subsequent restoration process [online resource - video].224Inmersive Worlds - inMediaStudioAn example of edutainment is provided by inMediaStudio,225 a Spanish company specialised in developing immersive and educational expe- riences – a combination designed to achieve the best results in the  eld of education.The use of a device with 3D and 360-degree viewing enables users to enjoy the virtual con- tent of Immersive Worlds.226 It is designed as an installation that can be controlled by a teacher, who supervises the content provided during the activity. Users interact with the elements of the virtual environment and, depending on their responses, their conduct can be evaluated to establish the learning process. An example227 isAC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017171The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage

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